Friday, 6 April 2007

2007 Easter Egg Run

A huge thank you to all those that attended this years Easter Egg Run to the Break Children’s Home in Sheringham, it was fantastic to see so many bikes and riders in attendance.
It was 9.30am when I arrived at the Horseshoes and already the car park was pretty much full of an array of different bikes from the latest state to the art machinery to several really nice examples of classic motorcycles.
Mike Howard was quite deservedly very excited by the numbers in attendance which he deserves total credit for, each year Mike works tirelessly to promote this event through the differing media available and the year on year attendance seems to grow annually.
A huge thank you must also go to the Staff at the Scottow Three Horseshoes, as by the time everyone started to arrive the coffee and Bacon rolls where available in abundance, with the exception of Richard who openly admitted to sleeping through the whole event, somewhat concerning considering the numbers right outside his bedroom window and the noise as all the bikes started to roll off.
Gibbo gave a little speech (looks like he's singing his favourite Val Dooningham number here) whilst Sophie ran around taking random photographs and Musky attempted to count the numbers in attendance without much success due to late arrivals and people moving around, there was certainly in excess of 58 bikes and soon we were all on our bikes and ready to roll.
The casual ride through to Sheringham was a very nice event and created some degree of excitement for the public as we made our way towards Sheringham along the coast road, several stops where required on route to allow for us to remain in a group and we all arrived safely, we quickly filled the car park at the Home as well as a couple of neighbouring driveways who's owners kindly allowed us to park there.
As per normal the staff at Break had arranged refreshments which included some very tasty cakes which everyone rushed to get before Musky got his paws on them.
There was a very generous number of Easter Eggs donated by those on the run which quickly filled the trolley and proceeded to build a wall of chocolate around the home, we are assured that the eggs will be distributed around the variuos Break homes which will go someway to making Easter very special for other children at several of the Break homes.
A representative of the North Norfolk News was on site to take a few photographs for the local rag so we look forward to reading about that in the paper.
Afterwards everyone started to go their separate ways and a few of us made our way down to the café at West Runton beach, to finish the ride off with a coffee.
What a fantastic start to a new Biking season and hopefully a sign of the future success of the 2007 season and the North Norfolk Motorcycle Club.
Thanks to everyone involved including Graham who did a fantastic job of herding all the bikes together for the duration of the journey and once again a huge thank you to Mike Howard for all his efforts in organising the event in such a selfless manner.

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